
3 Common Causes for a Clogged Drain

Clogged drains are a pain. From gross, standing water creating a pond in your sink to the steadily growing pile of dishes in the kitchen, a clogged rain can really derail your day. While it can be difficult to discern the source of the backup, there are some typical culprits for a gunked up drain.

An Overloaded Disposal

You’d think with a name like “garbage disposal” that it would be able to dispose of all your garbage, right? Wrong. Oftentimes, we rely far too heavily on our in-sink disposals. Contrary to popular belief, they’re not really equipped to handle all the food waste they encounter. Certain kinds of waste, such as tea leaves or coffee grounds, never break down and can easily clump together and cause a buildup. And, as you probably already know, grease and oil should also never go down the drain. You’re better off soaking up the excess oil with a paper towel, or better yet, pour it in a glass container and use it for later!

Constantly relying on a garbage disposal, or filling it with the wrong things, can cause it to break down and this comes with a hefty fee and it’s one of the most common occurrences that plumbers see in a typical house call. A better way to protect your pipes and keep that disposal intact is to throw away your food waste. If you’re concerned about that, consider composting. It’s an easy way to take care of food waste while also remaining eco-friendly.

A Hairy Situation

When it comes to showers and bathroom sinks, hair is not your friend. Whether it’s trimmings from your latest shave or you’re shampooing routine is causing strands of your luscious locks to fall out in the process, hair and plumbing don’t mix. Most professional plumbers would likely agree that they’ve had to snake away more hairballs than they’d care to count.

Luckily, hair buildup is a preventable threat. Make sure excess hair out of your shower or tub and wipe off your razors as you shave instead of rinsing the cream and trimmings down the drain. What’s left should be tossed in the trash instead of sent to back up your drains.

Paper, Please

Not many people enjoy talking about bathroom topics but the fact of the matter is they’re a big part of everyday life. While nobody wants to feel underprotected while wiping, overuse of toilet paper can clog your toilet in the blink of an eye. Septic issues can often be cleared out by a hearty go with a plunger but if they’re left untouched or go unnoticed, you’re going to need a plumber’s help.

To prevent this common clog, limit how much toilet paper you use. Not only will it save you money at the grocery store, it’ll save you a hassle if your drains get clogged. This goes for flushable wipes too. They don’t really dissolve in water the way you think they do, leading to backups and an increase in environmental waste. Flushable wipes are better used as a cleanser after you’re done in the restroom, not as your primary wipe.

Need Some Help?

If you’re having difficulty assessing the causes of a clogged drain, it’s probably for the best that you call in some professional help. Consider a company like Miranda Home Services. Miranda is staffed with industry experts that will easily be able to assess precisely what’s causing your clog and be able to address it without you having to put your life on hold. Miranda has a staff of expert plumbers who will gladly provide you with preventative maintenance tips to take care of your drains. Take these steps and it’s almost guaranteed that your drains will thank you!

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