
4 Reasons Why It’s Important to Upgrade Your Bathroom As You Age

4 Reasons Why It’s Important to Upgrade Your Bathroom As You Age

After living in a home for many years, we get comfortable and don’t always think about updating things, due to cost or remodeling inconvenience. However, in getting older, there are several good reasons to consider upgrading the bathroom to accommodate our changing lifestyle needs.


Older people sometimes become prone to tripping, slipping, or falling onto the floor. A worn linoleum floor covering may have grown slick over time, or carpeting and rugs can become frayed. Bathroom flooring needs to be stable to avoid becoming a tripping hazard. Similarly, bathtubs and showers can become slippery when shampoo or conditioner is spilled or if an older person loses their footing. A new shower with handrails and a built-in seat can help to protect someone who gets unexpectedly dizzy due to medication or health reasons. Companies that offer professional plumbing services can install a new tub with safety features when needed.


Good bathroom lighting is essential for seniors who may prefer bathing and showering before bed or who often get up at night to use the toilet. Low lighting can make it harder to see things like cosmetics or hair care products, especially for elders who have vision problems. Lights may need to be updated or enhanced in order to provide adequate light for daily grooming and bathroom use.


When you think about it, we spend a surprising amount of time in the bathroom, from toileting to bathing, hygiene and grooming, and even primping if there is a large mirror on the wall or back of the door. The bathroom should be comfortable, with enough space to move around freely without bumping into something. Seniors with mobility issues may need a special toilet with side rails for greater ease of use. Larger mirrors, easier storage, and a step-in bathtub can make it easier to navigate the bathroom for various purposes.


Older people may want to optimize bathroom space while reducing storage in that area. For example, a laundry hamper can be placed elsewhere, while linens could be stored in an adjoining closet rather than on bathroom shelves. Windows that open easily by cranking or by pressing a button may be needed to replace older versions that are hard to open by pushing. A call button could be a literal lifesaver when placed near the toilet or shower.

Upgrading the bathroom is not just a vanity project for people who are getting up in years. Comfort, safety, and convenience are all important considerations.

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