
Basics of C++ Programming Language

C++ online test

C++ provides a basic and advanced concept of the same. C++ is also an object-oriented programming language(OOPS), which is basically an extension to the C programming. It consists of topics like objects and classes, control statements, inheritance, constructor, static, destructors, polymorphism, abstract classes, abstractions, namespace, interface, encapsulation, strings, arrays, exception handling, File IO etc. Before learning c++ one should have at least some basic knowledge of c.

C++ is a case-sensitive,  general purpose, free form of programming language which supports the procedural, object-oriented and generic programming. This is a middle-level language because it encapsulates both the low as well as the high levels of language features. The four main pillars of the object-oriented programming, utilized in c++ are, polymorphism, abstraction, inheritance, and encapsulation. C++ online test evaluates and grades the candidates who can serve as good developers in such institutes.

The standard c++ programming can be launched into three significant portions:

The fundamental features of the C++ programming languages are portable or machine independent, structured programming language, memory management, simplistic approach, middle-level programming language, rich library, pointers, fast speed, compiler based, recursion, object-oriented and extensible.

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