
Common Myths That Mobile App Developers Need To Debunk

Common Myths That Mobile App Developers Need To Debunk

Mobile applications have emerged as a powerful business tool today as the number of mobile users is ever-increasing. As a result, more and more businesses are keen to invest in mobile apps to make the best of the opportunity. As a client, you need to be aware and educated about all that is to know about getting the right application for your business so that you get value for your money. For instance, you need to know the platform that makes a good choice for creating a business application. Relying on magento mobile app development is a good idea as this platform has excellent features and functionalities to create a high-quality business app.

On the other hand, there are certain myths and misconceptions that developers need to debunk for their clients. If you have some app-related questions that confuse you, there are some facts that would help clarify your doubts:

Myth 1: Mobile apps are easy to develop.

A majority of clients come with the misconception that development is an easy job that can be completed within a short time span. It is a complex process, involving a team of developers, designers, testers, and business analysts. It is also wrong to correlate the development cost and time with the size of the app.

Myth 2: Apps that use the latest technology perform better.

As technology keeps improving constantly, there is a tendency to move over to the latest. But it is not necessary that adopting the latest technology would give you apps that perform better. Parameters such as security, integration, reliability, and management have an equal influence over the app quality. Hiring a reputed Magento App Development Company ensures that you would get the right technology for your Magento app.

Myth 3: A good looking app would definitely get a five-star rating.

Another myth is that an application which offers an attractive interface would definitely be able to earn a five-star rating on the app store. The interface is important but not a substitute for performance, security, and reliability.

Myth 4: It is easy to convert an application from one operating system to another.

A majority of businesses want to start with apps for either iOS or Android and gradually have it for both. But it is important to bear in mind that converting an app is neither easy nor fast as it involves rewriting of the code. For this reason, most Magento Developers suggest that the clients should opt for hybrid apps. These are like a one-time investment that fetches returns in the long run.

Myth 5: An app which offers multiple functions is always better.

A non-technical business owner would usually think that offering more functions through the mobile app would make it more rewarding. But it may actually be a negative point as it may slow down the speed and take up hefty memory space in the mobile.

Myth 6: The development job ends once the app is launched.

Whether you opt for Magento App Development or rely on any other platform, the job does not end with the launch of the app. Application development is an ongoing process, with periodic updates required to keep it refreshed with new features. Also, the marketing aspect is as crucial as development.

With all these myths and misconceptions debunked, a business owner can make an informed decision about having a mobile app developed for his business. A reputed mobile app development company would always help the client and clarify all the questions he has.

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