A credit card nowadays a need for every single person lifestyle. With this facility, you can reach out anywhere without having cash, just one click and you are on for shopping, travelling or do anything without second thought. Do you know the actual age of credit card holder? Before you want to apply its mandate gain the proper knowledge of eligibility factor, the minimum age should be at least 18 years and stable income.
In the market, lenders have offered many cards such as for personal use, EMI card, shopping card and much more as per your requirement, it’s your responsibility to use these cards carefully, and pay bills on time.They have also set the limit of the card which is very obvious so that you can check the limit before your expenses. A variety of credit cards offered only for you it depends on you how to use it. Apart from providing a much-needed alternative to cash, credit cards also reward you for expenses. If you have built up a strong credit rating, your choice of credit card will probably be decided by whichever type is best for your lifestyle and most suitable.
To get an understanding of your credit cards eligibility available, you need to provide personal information including your name, your annual income and the name of your bank. You will also declare your residential and marital status.
What Do We Need To Remember When Applying For A Credit Card?
A Credit card comes with different benefits and discounts on shopping, travelling etc. A credit card is the best way to go cashless at any place. The Eligibility criteria factor playing the main role- The applicant should be at least 18 years, Income of the applicant is the most important factor it indicates the limit of the card, should have a bank account and self-employed or salaried can apply.
After aware of the eligibility criteria you will get your card and the factors that prompt the lender to say YES to your card. On confirming your eligibility, you can apply for a card online from any banks website. After that, the lender would give you instant approval as you are in eligibility queue.
How Differentiate Credit Card Eligibility Calculator?
A credit card eligibility calculator depends on your age, income and credit history factors. If all, the required details are available as per bank’s need then you are on for credit card race. Each bank has decided their criteria if you compare with many banks and get to know which bank is suitable for you. A credit card best means for cashless transactions. Then go online and check your eligibility calculator, apply it now to grab the benefits.
How do you compare top bank credit card eligibility and decided one for you?
Today, we are presented few banks with the comparison so that you can find out your favourite credit card. Look below pointers
First, we will take The State Bank Of India: This bank wants, that you should be 18 years and must have a good credit history along with credit card defaulter in the past.
HDFC Bank: In HDFC bank required minimum and maximum age for a salaried employee is 21 to 60 years and add-on cardholder minimum age is 15 years. The applicant must have, good credit history, salaried annual income is Rs 1.5 lakhs minimum and self- employed minimum annual income is Rs 2 lakhs
Axis Bank: The minimum age to have an Axis Bank credit card is 18 years, and the maximum is 70 years. The add-on cardholder should be 15 years old.
ICICI Bank: The minimum age, should not be less than 23 years and the minimum age for the add-on is 18 years, now we talk about salary then monthly should be Rs 20,000 for the salaried and self- employed a minimum annual income should not be less than Rs 3 lakh.
How To Choose The Best Credit Card?
Make sure to choose a card with maximum benefits. During the credit card, eligibility checking system is going on don’t forget to compare different cards on the following parameters
- Fee and Charges
- Cashback
- Rewards
- Fuel surcharge waiver
- New arrival offers on shopping, dining, travel etc
- Accidental cover
- Credit-free period
A new credit cardholder should check first age, stable income, good credit score and less debt in the past. These points value a lot when you need your credit card quickly without any problem.