
If Networking Is Anathema To You, Your Business Development Is In Trouble

Networking is the key to building up your book of business.  Business development mandates that lawyers network whether they love it or hate it.  If you resist networking because it seems shallow and self-serving, or because you want to stay in your comfort zone, you are severely hampering your chances of attracting new clients and probably damaging your career.

No one is born with a networking gene.

 Keep in mind, the people who look as though they were born to network are not genetically endowed with business development skills.  The lawyers you see who look comfortable meeting new people have learned techniques that help them move past their mental barriers. They put those techniques to work time and time again until the initial discomfort fades, and they find that walking into a room full of strangers is not something to dread.

Banish your dread of networking.

Here are a few techniques you can use to take the menace out of networking.

Practice will lessen the anxiety.

You can succeed at business development by committing networking techniques to memory and putting them into practice until the skills you have learned become second nature.  Once you’ve attended several events, regardless of their outcome, you’ll have a strong sense of accomplishment and be ready to do it again.

Enable your own success.  Make it your goal in the new year to build your book of business and use networking as a powerful business development tool.

To know more information visit us at :  Top Lawyer Coach

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