
Why It’s Important To Know The Symbolism Of Colours Before Creating Your Flyers

Do you remember your years in primary and elementary school, when you were happily using whatever variety of hues your crayon set would afford you? It didn’t matter if the drawing was realistic or not – chances were, it was a reflection of a fantasy world with fantastic tints and bold exclamations. You might not have coloured between the lines, but you knew it was good when the colours spoke to you. You knew because colour means something – in fact, in advertising, colour sometimes means everything.

The Power of Colour when Creating Flyers

Think of a flyer as simply a little piece of paper for people to read, and chances are your flyer may be economical and practical but doesn’t reach its full potential. Think instead of your flyer as a piece of art, something that represents you, your company, or your event. Consider the difference between the painting “End of summer” by Monet and Van Gogh’s “Starry starry night”. One blends earthy colours, the other contrasts dark and bright. It’s a whole different feel and a completely different tone.

By blending or contrasting the right colours, your message will stand out and invoke interest. How then should we use those colours, and which colours are suitable to your message? Here’s a little rundown of how people associate different colours:

Choosing the right colour when creating and printing flyers is essential – the impression the audience gets can set the tone and the framework for how your overall message will be perceived. It’s in your best interest to choose wisely. For more information about printing flyers and which colours would fit your flyer best, consult a flyer printing expert.

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