3 Ways To Survive An Unplanned Vacation
Ever been stuck on an unplanned vacation without any knowledge of how to spend your days? Unplanned vacations seldom arise, but there is no reason that they cannot arise at all. At times, you go for a visit to a particular place and due to flight delays and other emergencies, you have to extend your vacation for a few more days. Those extra days can be very helpful in exploring the place if spent wisely and judiciously. Although, it is understandable that getting a chance to explore a place in vehicles like the New York wedding limousines, might be difficult, but you can still try and make the most of your extended stay.
Here are some simple steps to assist you in planning the extended or unplanned vacation.
Watch out your finance: The first thing which comes to mind during an unplanned vacation is the cash crunch. With the whole idea being unplanned, you are never really sure of how much money to spend and how much expenditure would be wise. In such cases, it is best to opt for some free sightseeing places and one or two really famous places which might have ticket costs. This saves a lot on your budget. It is advisable to opt for reasonable eateries instead of luxurious dining. Furthermore, hostels and not hotels are affordable to book in for the night.
Apart from distributing your money among sightseeing, accommodation and food, it is also necessary to keep aside a few bucks for emergency situations and purposes.
Have an emergency Travel Kit with you all the time: An emergency travel kit can become your survivor in such times. Such a kit should have a pair of extra clothes, a first aid kit with all the necessary medicines, tablets, lotions, bandages etc, which might come in handy anytime and anywhere. A bottle of fresh water and a hand towel may also come in handy. It is also recommended that you carry your own toiletries. Usually most hostels provide you with a kit, but you may not want to use it for hygiene purposes. In that sense, carrying your own toiletries is always the best way out.
Don’t Survive on Great Expectations: It is usually said that the world is big and you might not be able to see the entire world on your travel. But this is completely true during an unplanned visit. It is best that you do not have high expectations out of the place as you might not be able to fit in a lot of travel and sightseeing in your schedule. It is best to go with the flow of the circumstances and explore only as much as is possible, free or practical, and in your time scale. You should not try to be too adventurous and go out of the way to do things during an unplanned trip.
These are the three most important points that you need to keep in mind. These apart, unplanned trips are an experience that you need to undertake at least once in your life. It would help you deal with tough and unwanted situations with a cool head and help you in solving problems with a practical mind.