4 Ways of Getting Targeted Facebook Fans
Having thousands of fans on your Facebook page is not enough on its own, if they aren’t relevant to your targeted market segment – they would probably not respond to any of your posts, negatively affecting the analytics. Therefore, you need to search and attract targeted Facebook fans rather than just some random users.
Post in Relevant Communities
The most effective way to find the desired Facebook users is to join other communities of the same genre. For instance, if you own a photography page, you need to visit other photography pages and groups in search of your own potential audience. However, make sure you are not directly in competition with the page or group you are joining. All you need to do is actively participate in the page by posting content, liking, commenting and interacting with people. Then you can run a sensible marketing campaign promoting your own page.
Invite your Friends and Contacts
You’re almost certainly be in contact with many people who fit your chosen market segment. These people could either be your Facebook friends or your email contacts. First suggest your page to all your Facebook friends, which is an easy task. Your friends will be notified as soon as they log into their Facebook accounts. You can also invite people from your email contacts to like the page on Facebook. These users will be informed through automatically generated emails using your name.
Drive Fans from your Website
The most relevant audience can be found on your own business website. In fact, you can consider each person visiting your website to be your targeted audience. You can easily drive this traffic to your Facebook page by providing a small like button on your website. Clicking this button would add these people to your page fans without even leaving the website.
Spend on Advertising
Advertising is the most efficient way to increase Facebook likes. On your page, just click the Promote Page button to start a wizard. In the next pop-up screen that appears, you can provide specifics or criteria of the people who you want your ad to be displayed to. You can specify their location, interests, age and gender before making the ad go live. You can also buy targeted Facebook fans, if you don’t mind spending a nominal amount of money towards effective marketing.
With the methods listed above, you can build a fan database of your desired user group. If carried appropriately, it will take merely a few weeks to make things work.