5 Simple And Easy DIY Tips For Home You Can Use Today!
It is a fact that home-repairing happens to be the daunting task and majority of people prefer to avail services of professionals in this regard. Although you can afford to hire professionals for fixing anything at home yet you should not overlook opting for DIY. This practice will not only help you learn some good skills but it will also allow you to save bucks that go into hiring expensive services and professionals.
The more you rely on DIY for fixing your home, the more you will stay in control. Besides, when you rely on hiring professionals for fixing even trivial domestic chores at home, it will make get you lazy in the long run.
Here are some highly effective and awesome DIY tips for home which will benefit you in multiple ways:
1. Repairing The Squeaky Doors
Fixing a squeaky door is not the difficult task for which you hire any professional, who charges you a lot for it. For fixing squeaky doors, you will have to spray “WD-40” on the door hinges and this DIY tip will fix your squeaky door properly.
2. Fixing Water Leakage From A Toilet Tank
If the leakage is from the water tank to bowl then you will have to replace flapper and in order to change it, you must first shut off the water supply to the toilet and properly remove tank’s lid and go for flushing the toilet in order to get tank empty. After that carefully remove flush’s chain from the lever and gradually slide the affected flapper up off that overflow tube. Now slide a new flapper above an overflow tube and connect the chain and turn on the water supply.
3. Painting A House From Both Inside And Outside
Assigning this particular work to anyone will bring huge burden to your pocket so make sure you avoid hiring anyone for that as you can do it yourself and save a huge amount of money. A single gallon of paint will cost you $25 and with that, you will be needing rollers, brushes and painter’s tape to kick off your work and paint your house both from inside and outside.
4. Cleaning Stained Tub
Cleaning stained tub is also not a difficult task and you can accomplish it without asking anyone to do this task. All you will have to do is to mix up the tartar’s cream, lemon juice, and baking soda. Mixing them up will get you a paste, which you will apply on the stain with the help of any soft cloth. Let this specific paste stay for at least half hour and then rinse it properly and you will see a huge difference.
5. Fixing Sliding Windows Which Get Stuck
If you have come across the sliding windows that have got badly stuck then rather than waiting for anyone’s help, you must go for it yourself. Just buy the silicone spray available in the market and grease skids properly. You must spray that on a rag and with that, you should make sure you properly wipe all along the tracks no matter they are plastic, wood or even metal.
These above-mentioned are some highly effective and simple DIY tips, which everyone should follow in order to keep house an ideal place to live. All these above-discussed tips do not require you to be expert to accomplish those tasks, so make sure you remember them. Always remember that the more you focus on following DIY tips, the more it will enable you to end up every month with saving lots of money.
Author Bio
Naomi Davison is a professional in Interior Designing. She has been in this field for the last 10 years. Additionally, she is also a professional writer assisting students for college essay help. You can get connected with him on Google+.