5 Things Family Members Should Know When A Loved One Goes Through Detox
It’s going to be an uphill battle for addicts when they decide to enter a women’s detox facility, but it’s equally hard for their loved ones. You might have done your initial research about what to expect in the rehab center. But thousands of families have been shocked by how different the whole recovery process is compared to their initial impression. Relationships have been strained and sadly, not a few marriages survived the journey.
You will quickly learn that the 100% commitment demanded of your wife, mother or sister inside the treatment center will also extend to you. Believe it or not, the payment for rehab will be the least of your worries. If you are not committed to doing everything you can for your loved one, the recovery program will not be successful.
Here are the things you should know beforehand when somebody you love enters detox:
1.Withdrawal can be intense – Not in the sense that your life will be in danger if the loved one is going through detox. However, you should understand that people may lash out at others surrounding them—mostly against family and friends—while in detox. Try to understand that they are undergoing through a roller-coaster of emotions as their bodies flush out the toxins. For instance, you can look out of the following symptoms during withdrawal:
- Nausea and headaches
- Diarrhea
- Muscle soreness
- Uncontrolled sweating
- Vomiting
- Insomnia
- Anxiety and depression
Those are the mild ones. Intense symptoms include severe flu-like symptoms, seizures, strokes, cramps, and in severe alcohol cases, hallucinations and even death.
2.The patient will think about quitting – This is more common than you think. It’s not a question of commitment, either, but the physical effects of detox can be hard on their bodies. A recovering addict will not succeed without sufficient support system. And this is where you come in. when she’s down, you should be there to pull her back up.
3Detox can be dangerous – Just like self-medication can be dangerous, undergoing detox at home and without medical supervision can be risky to your health. In particular, alcohol detox center can be fatal if it’s very severe. There’s a reason why treatment centers ease up or wean the foreign chemicals from the body. Going cold turkey, or just to stop drinking alcohol, can result in cardiac arrest or convulsion.
4.The post-detox plan is just as important – While the detox process itself is important, designing a post-procedure plan is a key to a full recovery. The toxins may have been flushed out but the underlying cause why the patient turned to alcohol in the first place might not have been addressed fully. Wellness centers offer group and individual therapies to thresh out these issues.
5.You may go to therapy yourself – It’s your wife, mother or sister who is undergoing detox for women, but why should you be in therapy yourself? You need a good sounding board to ensure that all the hidden emotions like anger, frustration, disappointment or stress go to the surface so you can confront them. You don’t even have to go to therapy if you don’t like, but you need to connect with AA to find some support groups where you can talk and exchange ideas with other family members who are in the same boat as you.