A Great Way To Relax Before The Festive Season Starts
It’s almost upon us again. The festive season is just around the corner with shops stacked out with decorations, presents and festive food and drink; it hardly seems any time at all since last years festivities finished. So, if like many people you tend to leave things until the last minute, how do you ensure you are in a fit state to provide your family with the sort of Christmas they deserve?
One of the first things you should do is write a list, or even several lists to make sure nothing is forgotten. Write one list with the necessary jobs that need doing before the celebration begins, then as you tick them off one by one, you will at least know what has been done and what is still outstanding.
Make another list as you buy presents so it’s easy to keep a running total of the cost. I find it impossible to remember what I’ve bought a few weeks on, so referring to the list is a great help. I also make another list of the food I will need to buy then anything that can go in the store cupboard can be bought in advance reducing the need of a Christmas week huge shop.
Try to delegate some of the jobs. After all Christmas is not just for you but for the family as well so it’s only fair they help out in some way.
As Christmas gets closer each week, try to arrange some time out for yourself. A couple of hours of pampering and relaxation are just the thing to get you off to a good start. We’ve always found our hot tub (we were lucky to have purchased one last year from Aqua Warehouse in Chelmsford) is always a great way of relaxing and can help when you’re feeling the pressure. They can be great at bringing your blood pressure down when the going is a bit tough and can help you start the festive season feeling in control. They are also helpful if you are finding it hard to sleep due to all the things going round and round in your head.