Advantages of Applying Coloured Renders
A simple meaning of render is applying a coat in the exteriors walls of a building. Now, there are different types of renders such as cement render, acrylic renders, polymer renders, etc. This render is applied especially to protect the walls from any kind leakage and fungus. Earlier there were few options when it came to color the walls. But now the whole scenario has changed. Nowadays, there are the variety of color options available in renders which gives the customers more options to choose from. This makes a render coat more attractive and an economical option from choosing. Renders have many benefits altogether whether it is cement rendering or acrylic renders, what adds an extra edge is coloured renders. Following are some of the benefits available from color renders.
No Requirement of Paint:
Renders have their own sets of benefits available, now add the wide range of colors to it and you have as many options you may like. Now, renders have their distinct characteristics of being durable especially cement renders. Now, coloured render option in cement rendering makes it the best option for the exterior walls. Due to its durability, it stays for the long period of time. Acrylic renders in varied color options also acts the same, the acrylic finish what we get from acrylic renders makes it the best option for the exterior wall because of finish.
Weather Resistant:
One feature that makes a renders most preferred option is because of its weather resistant feature. It doesn’t let water to sip in as the coating done from it doesn’t have any pours through which water can come in. So, a colored render is the best option to coat the exterior walls.
Colour Options:
The color options available can enable one to have his/her favorite color as their wall coating. Availability of attractive colors just makes the work of interior designer more interesting and full of options.
Anytime Application:
This feature makes the work of the interior designer and consumer very easy. As coloured renders can be applied any time of the year, one doesn’t have to wait for the specific dry period to apply the coat. As a result, work is done fast and without any unnecessary waiting.
As we tend to spend whatever it may cost when it comes to decorating or trying to make our home attractive, we forget one aspect that is to spend money economically. Now, using coloured renders has its own benefits. It already comes in different colors so automatically you many options to choose from. This colored coating is durable and has a smooth surface, so if you don’t want to apply any color after the coating is done then its fine. Which saves you the hell lot of money.
Applying a render with the help of spray machine is one the quickest way of the application as compared to traditional way of hand applied sand and cement. A coloured render dries up pretty fast which makes it the best option. One doesn’t have to wait for it getting dried up. It saves time and money eventually due to this feature of renders.