It’s Not a Phase

Depression is the most commonly diagnosed mental illness in the world. There are several different types of depression, and key distinctions between them is whether they affect mood alone or extend to cause psychotic symptoms, as well. Postpartum depression, which can occur within the first year following childbirth, and seasonal affective disorder, which results from

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Eliminating Energy Waste

Here in the United States, we waste a lot of energy. In fact, studies show that our nation is the worldwide leader in wasting energy. That’s not a great category to be first in, and it’s also bad news for our planet. Pollution, global warming, and other environmental problems are directly related to the ways

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What is a Strong Business?

If you’re setting out to build a business one of the virtues you want to imbue it with is strength. But before you make any decisions it makes sense to thing a little bit harder about just what ‘strength’ is in this context: what does it mean for a business to be strong, what’s the

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How a Forex Trading System Works

There are roughly 220 official currencies recognized by the UN today; some of those currencies are traded on a market called the Foreign Exchange, or Forex. While the stock market may routinely move billions of dollars of wealth in one day, Forex moves trillions. Therefore, it would be easy to see why any savvy investor

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