Benefits Of Using Seed Box Hosting
In present time we use computer for almost everything. We keep our important files in digital forms. So sizes of our files are growing day by day, and also we cannot carry our entire file every time with us. So we tend to indulge in activity of uploading those files to servers, or downloading them from servers. But limited speed of our internet connection can be a problem. In these cases seed box can be useful for you.
So one can refer to seed box hosting as the use of seed boxes for boosting the upload and download ratio on private torrent trackers, help to increase the download speed, also help to avoid the lawsuits like RIAA. Anyone, who uses the private tracker, can use the seed box by contacting seed box hosting company.
If you are a private tracker user, you can rent either Linux or window seed box from many sites which provide seed box hosting service, and also offers many plans. They are generally better than shared or any other torrent hosting and keep you one step ahead every time. You will be seed you torrent at faster speeds.
Seed box hosting has other benefits also. They provide many features like file backup, offsite storage option. Also they provide Torrent with rutorrent GUI and full root access and FTP, when users use Linux Operating system. You can install your own server and also you will be provided the full control and root access. You should maintain a good upload and download ratio. Anything in extreme would lead to imbalance. Thus you should avoid such sort of imbalance. There is no problem as such. But over seeing might take away your money and this is definitely good for your financial health. Why should you spend more money when not required? You should save money so that it can be useful to you when you need it the most. Often people end up over seeing either due to ignorance or to merely gain popularity. It is vital to have a healthy ratio and that is around one is to one ratio. Choosing a good seed box hosting also makes good amount of difference.
For window users, many sites have window cheapest seedbox packages, which are compatible with window XP, window 8, window 7, in win 2003. They also give the option to upload user their own ISO, for more personal and customized setup. When you buy a window seed box hosting package, you also get option for torrent hosting and you can install it on your machine. Seed box hosting package for windows allow users to have full access, full administrator rights and VNC for quicker and easier setup, and they also give option to install other important software, as seed boxes are not limited to torrents.
For unlimited bandwidth you can choose unmetered seed boxes, and they can be used for both windows and Linux. They also offer web reboot and web reinstall options. Unmetered boxes also provide 100 Mbit port, 500 GB of disk space and 2 GB ram. Mostly many seed boxes hosting does not require any setup fees and make them more usable and good.