Choosing Between Plasma And LCD TV Models
Home theatre sets based on HDTV have become an important media for families to experience high-quality entertainment. By choosing good model, it is possible for home users to get representations that are equal to the cinema. In some homes, high-definition projector is used like in cinema and it is used to project images onto a big screen. Equipped with true surround sound technology and popcorn, this is something that many people have dreamt of.
However, there are many options in the market today and we can choose models based on Plasma or LCD technologies. These TV models have been around for a few years and provide so much entertainment for many users.
These technologies are direct enhancements over CRT models. They provide especially improved technological improvements, especially if we are used to older technologies. Plasma TV also use the same coating type used by older CRT TCs. This provides deeper black level and improved contrast compared to LCD panels. They also provide wider viewing angles, making it easier for people to watch the TV from sides.
This means, positioning of these TV sets will be less of a concern. It can be placed in the middle or slightly to the side. More people could watch Plasma TV than with LCD TV. Obviously, CRT TVs may have more superior viewing angles. As a result, Plasma TV is suitable if we are planning to set up home theatre system that’s regularly watched by many people.
However, LED models are still appropriate for our home theatre system, as long as there are fewer people in the house. Clearly, videophiles will be very critical in their selection of TV models, because average users may hardly see a difference between the two in terms of display quality.
However, users still need to be aware that Plasma TV panels are more vulnerable to burn-ins, while LCD panels are adequate for brightly-lit rooms. Both LCD and Plasma will lose brightness as they age, because electronic components have specific lifespan. It means, just like CRT panels, any TV in the market will eventually degrade in quality. There are also differences in pricing. In general, we could get slightly larger Plasma TV than LCD TV, at the same price category.
Plasma TV can really produce crisp images and newer models are getting better day by day. With both technologies, prices tend to come down, especially with the release of new 4k models. The kind of content we plan to watch also determine what model we should choose.
Plasma TV models are more responsive than LCD panels. Fast-moving objects look less blurry on plasma TV models, so if we plan to watch action movies and sports programs more, it is a good idea to choose plasma TV models. LCD could also suffer from dead pixels. During the manufacturing process, there could be some defective pixels in the panel and they will be represented with dark dots if we look at the display closes.
The gap in terms of display quality is narrowing between these two TV models and users can get plenty of enhancements in coming years, such as improved screen resolution and other features.