Exercises For Back And Neck Injuries
You have been suffering from back and neck injuries for weeks. Because of the pain from the injuries, it’s difficult for you to pick up an item from the ground, sit up straight, and even walk. You also take so much time just to complete simple tasks. All of these were reason enough for you to seek ways you can speed up your recovery. Aside from the medications and treatments recommended by your doctor, you’re considering doing exercises for your back and neck injuries. You think that these if done carefully, will aid you in living a pain-free life again. To help you achieve your goals (and to finally be free from back and neck injuries), you can start by doing these exercises:
1. Arms overhead stretch:
This is a very simple exercise which you can do wherever you are. You just need a belt or a yoga strap for this one.
- Using the belt or yoga strap, lift your arms above your head while maintaining a shoulder-distance apart.
- Be wary of how your palms are while you’re doing this exercise. Your palms should be facing away from each other at all times.
- If you’re experiencing any pain or discomfort as you’re straightening your elbows, extend your arms wider on the belt.
- Drop your chin into the chest to relax all of your neck muscles. While doing this, gently pull the strap apart.
- Hold this pose for six deep breaths. You can repeat this at least two times.
2. The clock or the pec stretch:
Aside from doing this at home, you can also do this exercise in public places to stretch your back and neck muscles. This exercise does not entail the use of any equipment and only requires a wall.
- Start by standing along the side of the wall and place your right hand on the wall while making a 12 o’clock posture.
- Gradually move your hand from 12 to 1, 2 before finally positioning to a 3 o’clock.
- While doing all of these, slowly place your left hand on your right rib cage.
- Breathe in and out while pulling the rib cage forward, without moving the right arm.
- You should be able to feel a stretch in front of the right shoulder or down your right arm.
- Hold this pose for six deep breaths.
3. Downward dog at the wall:
Aside from doing the clock stretch, you can also do this exercise using a wall.
- Stand to face a wall with your hands at your waist level.
- Slowly walk your feet back to create a tabletop position with your feet underneath your hips.
- Try to lift the sitting bones upward as you press your hands into the wall.
- If you can feel a stretch in your hamstrings, try to keep your knees slightly bent.
- Hold this pose for six deep breaths while focusing on opening your chest and stretching your spine.
Back and neck injuries can impair you from functioning as an individual. And if someone else’s negligence or intentional acts caused you to suffer from these injuries, it might be best to take action legally. You can talk to an experienced lawyer who has years of experience in handling back and neck injury cases to know your options.
Know Your Limits
Although it might be tempting to lay in bed all day when you’re injured, doing this can actually delay your recovery. As much as possible, you should try to inject any kind of physical activities into your daily routine to speed things up. Just remember that when you’re doing any of these exercises, listen to what your body is telling you and don’t push yourself too hard because this can also worsen your injuries. Just take things slow, be consistent with your efforts, and for sure, you can recover from your injuries soon!