Fight The Problem Of Aging With Dermal Fillers
As your skin ages, it undergoes a series of changes in its tone and texture. You will notice deep lines, wrinkles and loosening of the skin with the passing time. If you are in the late 30s or early 40s, you are likely to experience these variations sooner or later. To preserve your beauty and attraction, it is advised to visit an acclaimed skin clinic in London, to avail a treatment of dermal fillers. There must be a question arising in your mind that what exactly are these fillers for? Well, reading this article will help you get a detailed information about this effective treatment methodology.
What are Dermal Fillers?
Dermal fillers contribute efficiently for an effective skin treatment that works on your deep lines and wrinkles. It is kind of a remedy for your aging skin that affects your appearance which eventually results in low confidence. This is a non-surgical way to treat your skin, rendering a younger looking look with added volume.
With aging, the collagen content in your skin reduces which is considered as the support system for its perfect shape. This results in deepened skin lines and wrinkles. Other reasons behind aging includes excessive sun exposure, air pollution, smoking and stress. You might also experience sunken cheeks and loosened skin as a result of decreasing volume.
What these Fillers exactly do?
When you undergo a skin treatment of dermal fillers in London, you will be treated for your skin concerns like:
- Getting plumped up lips and smoothened vertical lines.
- Smoothening deeep craeses also called laugh lines and adding volume.
- Filling the hollow depressions under the eye
- Correcting scars and marks from pimples, chicken pox or acne.
- Increasing volume to fill the lower cheek and temple gauntness.
- Reconstructing cheecks to render an enhanced shape and youthfulness.
How the Fillers Work?
Using fillers may prove to be a good alternative to botox. The fillers used may be either naturally-derived or made of a synthetic material that is directly injected to the skin. The main purpose of these fillers is to plump the skinj area affected with wrinkles, depressions and deep lines. The results generally depends upon the type of filler used. Generally, it lasts from six months to two years but in case of a semi-permanent filler, you can have an extended benefit of five years and even more.
You shouldn’t get confused between botox and fillers, even though both involve quite similar techniques. Botox injection works on the forehead and eye wrinkles to reduce further muscle movement. Like dermal fillers, it has no connection with the smoothening or plumping skin.
At times, both the treatment are opted by the patients to ensure a combination of complete effect for a younger-looking skin.
Dermal filler treatment prices particularly depends upon the type of filler used for the treatment. At the consultation session, a treatment plan will be designed as per your need which is absolutely free. So, this means you can easily afford the treatment and retain your beautiful face.