Google I/O Platform for Innovative Technologies
In the realm of data engineering, Google is one of the few behemoths that have reliably been doing energizing and inventive work, introducing excellent arrangements and staying miles in front of their rival in many spaces. At present, Google works several enormously mainstream items and administrations which have evoked genuine emotion with individuals everywhere throughout the world. Critical Google items incorporate the ever universal Search, Mail, interpersonal organization Google+, Maps, the Chrome web program and the Android portable working framework for cell phones and tablets. Hence, Google items and administrations are additionally tremendously mainstream with programming engineers far and wide, who routinely create and plan programming for Google stages.
In the light of the fame of Google with engineers, they had begun arranging a yearly meeting since 2008, where the center would be on designers as far and wide as possible, and new Google innovations which they can exploit. This gathering has been named I/O, short for data/yield or “Development in the Open”. The most vital point of this meeting is to energize investment from engineers from everywhere throughout the world, and to ideate, talk about and offer complex innovative know how and knowledge through top to bottom sessions in regards to big business, web and portable application improvement utilizing Google’s own particular and other open advances. The gathering, held at San Francisco, California, has since its commencement turned into one of the looked for after spots to be for designers, and is home to a percentage of the best and most shocking mechanical developments in programming improvement lately.
The inaugural version of I/O set the tone for things to come, with the center being on innovations like Google Maps, Google Web Toolkit, Android and Open Social. Heading masters on the subjects nearby were welcomed as speakers.
The 2009 version saw a greater and better Google I/O with an essentially bigger number of critical speakers and invitees. Center was on innovations like Android, Google Wave, App Engine, Google Chrome, AJAX Apis and Web Toolkit. Actively present people were introduced with T-Mobile mytouch 3g gadgets for their cooperation.
Keeping alive the convention of greatly improving the situation with each one passing years, the 2010 version of I/O managed subjects like big business arrangements, geo arrangements, Google TV, Google Apis, social web innovations, Google Chrome, App Engine and Android. Equipment giveaways to invitees included HTC EVO 4c gadgets, HTC Nexus One gadgets and Motorola Droids.
The 2011 emphasis of I/O saw the center being put on two of the most well known Google items – Chrome and Android. The Chrome segment of the meeting introduced the creation and offer of Chromebooks – laptops with Google’s Chrome OS. The Chrome web store likewise got local backing for level rate in-application buys. For the Android segment, Google Music- a music streaming administration for Android was advertised. The Honeycomb 3.1 Android overhaul and arrangements for Ice Cream Sandwich, Android v4.0, were additionally made open amid the meeting.
The main Google I/O gathering to reach out to 3 days rather than the typical two, the 2012 version of the meeting saw the center planted immovably on Android, Google+ and the Google Glass venture. The numerous improvements proclaimed for Android incorporated the arrival of Jellybean, Google Now, gets ready for new Google Nexus gadgets and backing for disconnected from the net maps in Google Maps. The Google Chrome Web program for the Android and IOS stages was likewise declared.
A year ago’s Google I/O meeting contained various critical proclamations and discharges. The old Google Talk texting environment was supplanted by the new, offer rich Google Hangouts. Upgrades were proclaimed for Google Play, Google TV, Google Maps, and Google Search for Android. The Google Glass venture was immovably on the Center stage as was advancement for the Google+ social stage. Actively present people got Google Chromebook Pixel gadgets.
Not long from now, the meeting concentrated essentially on various new innovations for the Android portable stage including Android L for Nexus gadgets, Android Wear for wearable gadgets, Android Auto for utilization in auto versatile dashboards, the Google Fit stage and the Google Slides portable application. Various changes to the Gmail API were additionally declared. Actively present people were given keen looks as keepsakes.