How To Clean Laminate Floors – Less Water Is Best
Laminate floors seem like an amazing idea for the home. They have a very alluring sheen, they keep the house looking new and they are quite a cost-effective. But, what about when they start to get older? What does one do when the laminate starts to lose its sheen?
When laminate gets old, it gets sticky and grimy. The floor simply starts looking like a dirt floor and most of us believe that there is nothing much which can be done about it. They are infamous for being difficult to mop. Liquids, you will end up doing that floor of your disservice should you clean it with any kind of liquid that could normally be used on all other types of floors.
So, what is the solution? Should we simply pry them up and discard them? Can these floors never be cleaned and your frustration never end? Most of us homeowners would understand a dry traditional broom to be the answer to these problems. But, this is not true since a traditional broom cannot necessarily clean a laminate floor well.
Let’s have a look at what can possibly be the best solution for this problem:
Dry mops- When you use a wet mop or cloth to clean laminate flooring, what happens is that it either leaves streaks or tracks in mud from the very person who is trying to clean the surface. In such cases, what is best to use is a dry dust mop which will help clean all the dust particles from the floor as well as not let it remain grimy.
With a wet mop, dust particles get mixed in and are spread all across the floor which can not only cause a sticky floor but also cause damage in the form of scratches or residue.
Liquids are not compatible- For laminate floor, liquids are not advised. Though cleaning using water or other liquid cleaners seem much easier, it often causes damage and increase cost of maintenance. It is also possible that you might have to change the floorboards in such cases.
What happens when we use liquids to clean laminate surfaces is that the liquid seeps under and inside the floorboards causing the boards to swell and become unusable. For the most part, it is advantageous to use dry mops.
But, in case there is a stubborn stain that won’t go away too easily, then it would be advisable to spray a little and then clean with a microfiber dust mop.
Buffing- Using a dry mop head, also buff the floor once it is clean to bring back the shine. Use an absorbent dry mop to buff the floors to its original glory. Further to keep your floors protected from such stains, ensure that you wipe off any spills etc. immediately.
Also, as far as possible, try the no shoe rule.
You can buy dry mops amongst other products from retailers such as Fuller Mops. Also check :- Professional Office Cleaning Services London
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