How To Protect Granite From Cracks
Whether it was installed incorrectly or an accident occurs, even the strongest of granite can crack. It is a popular addition to homes in the form of counters, floors, and showers, but while granite is durable, it also has a unique composition that requires specialized products and services. Once the damage is done, filler has to be applied to the stone, matching the color and texture before it is allowed to hardened. Repairs and replacements can be expensive, so it is important to take care of granite and look at it as an investment. Here are the tips to prevent further damage to the granite as well as how to avoid developing these granite cracks in the future.
Use Sealer
Not just sealing granite for the first time, but consistently resealing granite is key to adding protection over existing cracks and prevention of spreading, etching, and staining. Granite sealer can be purchased is an easy to apply spray bottle. By using water-based sealer, granite owners will be able to maintain maximum surface protection. The best sealers are safe for food prep surfaces, non-toxic, non-acidic, pH balanced, have no ammonia or phosphates, and are biodegradable.
While it is impossible to over-seal a natural stone like granite, it is recommended to do a thorough seal a few times a year. It is time to reseal if liquids (oil-based or water-based) sit on the counter or tile for 30 minutes and begin to penetrate the pores leaving dark marks or rings. Sealing will add back an extra strength layer that cracks will have a hard time breaking through.
Use the Right Cleaning Products
There are many different cleaners to choose from that require different work and frequencies.
Daily Cleaner
Granite daily cleaners and quick-clean wipes are often available in cost-saving refills. Unlike other cleaning sprays and wipes, by using a balanced and non-acidic solution, great daily cleaners are able to clean granite surfaces without damaging the seal. For surfaces like a shower that are vertical, the bottles can also be adjusted to produce a clinging foam that will not drip when wiping. Specialized shower cleaners can also help in preventing mold, mildew, and soap scum.
Granite cleaners for floors come with nourishing properties that help the seal while also breaking down dirt and oils for a deep clean. This solution resists mop marks or streaks while helping the granite floor to have a rich shine.
Using polish is a quick and safe application that has the same non-toxic features as many of the other dependable products. To add extra gloss and luster to any granite surface, there are polishes specifically made for granite’s natural composition. These can be used once a week to reinforce the granite seal.
While natural fissures or the changes of temperature can cause unexpected cracks, by taking care of the granite with sealings, cleanings, and polishes, the stone surface is less susceptible to damaging elements. In the case of a small hairline crack, using these processes and solutions will keep it from becoming a significant problem. If a major repair or do-it-yourself repair is performed, these aids will be the first line of defense on strengthening the section that has been filled.
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