How To Replace Windows Effectively

While replacing a window, one fails to realize that choosing the right replacement windows can help you in reducing cooling and heating cost. It automatically provides a makeover to the houseand makes your home look modern as well trendy

One thing that a person should be careful about while buying a new window is its energy saving labels. The energy label represents how efficient a window is.Choosinga window which is environment friendly can save the average household up to $476 per year in utility costs as compared to single-paned windows

Right Window Choice:

There are many types and styles of windows. But it is necessary to know which fulfills your need and style. There is a wide array of window types which are available at replacement windows Whitby. In order to make a sensible decision, it is necessary to check for pros and cons of each type of window

Custom Made or Standard:

Some people like to design and specify their windows customized according to their needs. However, some window designs are too standard which can easily be bought off shelf.

Double hung glass or triple hung:

They can be either double hung or triple hung. The sole purpose of these types of windows is to keep the heat trapped within the house or outside the house as per the seasonal requirement. It helps in keeping the house cool or warm as needed.

Single Panel or Double Panel:

Single panel glass is weak and generally do not act as heat resistant or noise resistant. Double paneled on the other hand has a void air space in between that act as a resistant and are energy efficient.

A void space between panes provides highest insulation value. For that purpose, various gases are used between the panes which makes the glass thick.

Reflective Glass:

It has a thin filmy coating that prevents ultra violet rays to pass windows. These windows help in preventing fading out of household, curtains or carpets.

Types of Replacement Window Frames

Framing materials have a major impact on the energy efficiency of replacement windows, and also affect their cost


  • They are most affordable
  • They are least efficient
  • It can cause issues with mold and dry rot.
  • Popular in architects


  • It provides a clean fresh look
  • They are energy efficient
  • They are light weighted
  • They are easy to handle
  • They are similar to wood in regard of efficiency


  • They are most popular choice for replacement windows
  • They are highly energy efficient
  • They are affordable
  • Their maintenance charges are low
  • They look new for years


  • They are heavier than aluminum
  • They are more expansive as compared to vinyl
  • They are popular for maximum energy efficiency and longevity.
  • Their maintenance cost is high as they require painting and polish every now and then

Combination of the Earlier Mentioned Materials:

  • It is usually mixture of wood and vinyl
  • They cost effective
  • They have a high energy efficiency

Author’s Bio:

Roy Harper works at Toronto vinyl windows since 5 years. He has written numerous articles on window replacement.

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