Increase Alertness With Adrafinil
In this competition driven age of today who does not want to remain active and alert to not only reach higher the career ladder, but also achieve one’s day to day goals in an effective and efficient manner. This is especially true with people in demanding and hectic professions such as truck drivers, night time workers, hospital nurses, pilots, and so on; as well as people with special conditions and life styles whaich force them to stay awake at night, like, young working mothers, people with sleeping disorders and so on.
Adrafinil, popularly known as Olmifon is a Nootropic drug also characterized as one belonging to the class of smart pills for the simple reason that Adrafinil works upon the mind to increase awareness and alertness in general. The medicine works by stimulating the central nervous system to reduce daytime drowsiness and lack of focus in many individuals especially the elderly patients. Since the dug increases alertness, it is taken by many individuals over the counter to help combat fatigue and stay awake or alert for a longer duration.
This wonder drug is a breakthrough discovery by a French pharmaceutical company, Lafon in the late 1970s. The medicine was first used as a prescription medication for the treatment of sleeping disorder narcolepsy which causes one to sleep excessively or to sleep during the daytime.
Features of Adrafinil
- Adrafinil owing to its stimulating properties is now widely used as a stimulant by students, night time workers, high profile executives, young mothers, etc. to sharpen mental focus, increase energy, improve memory, increase mental alertness and enhance cognitive function.
- Who does not feel the need for that cup of coffee during a tough day to boost focus and better performance or complete that last file? Adrafinil being milder and softer than caffeine is a much better stimulant with long lasting results.
- It has been proven in many clinical trials that Adrafinil stays longer in the blood stream and works upon the specific areas of the brain where stimulation is required without affecting other areas. Also, there are negligible side effects associated with this medicine.
All of which makes it a much better stimulant than tea, coffee or other caffeinated drinks. Another reason attributed to the wide spread popularity of this drug as a stimulant is that Adrafinil is a highly safe medicine which increases mental alertness without affecting heart rate or raising blood pressure unlike other stimulants like caffeine and amphetamines. This brain power medicine remains a person’s system for as long as 3-4 days and thus proves to have a long term stimulating effect as compared to other stimulants which tend to have a temporary effect upon the mind.
However, Do not take this supplement every day. Though large doses of Adrafinil are used to cure narcolepsy, one can take Adrafinil lesser doses to increase vigilance and alertness. The medicine is tested for its safety and efficacy. The recommended dose is 2 to 4 300-mg tablets per day to increase alertness. Adrafinil helps to improve brain function. There are no known toxicity or contraindications attached with the use of this drug.
You should be careful if you intend to take this medicine for a longer period of time as the prolonged use of this medicine can prove to be harmful to the liver. Thus, to prevent this condition, you are advised to consult a physician before taking this medicine for a longer period of time and do not take this supplement every day.