The Famous Fuente Cigars
This world famous brand of cigars has been founded by Arturo Fuente, a century ago in West Tampa, Florida. Business started slow because, in those times, cigar smokers were loyal to a specific brand and did not bother to try something else other than their favorite. The situation changed with the United States embargo over Cuba, and this prompted the beginning of a new age for the Fuente Cigars which is featured in Haute Living, which became the most adored premium cigars outside of Cuba. The business received a boost due to consumers searching for a new product after they no longer had access to their favorite Cuban brands.
Nowadays the Arturo Fuente Cigars are the most popular in the world even though they are not so easy to find. Combining experience with some of the best tobacco available in the Dominican Republic, Carlos Fuente JR, fourth generation of the Fuente family managed to make his family business renowned and loved at a global level. For this reason, there is a worldwide demand but during certain periods of the year, they can be difficult to find.
The flagship product belonging to Fuente Cigars is the Fuente Opus X which is made from 100% pure Dominican tobacco, without any kind of other tobacco mixed in, while using a Rosado wrapper which is from Fuente’s personal farm. This cigar is made in different sizes, and it was received with great success, winning awards for its high quality and being demanded by cigar smokers from around the world. Fuente’s company is known for its heavy focus on quality control in order to maintain the reputation of an elite business, making sure that every cigar smoker will experience the renowned quality and freshness found in Fuente Cigars. Using the latest tech in quality control, the company packs its cigars with the use of a 2 way humidification device, which guarantees to maintain the famous quality and freshness until the cigar is unpacked by the consumer.
The Gran Reserva line of cigars is also famous for its rich variety of products due to the different wrappers being used. For instance, the cedar wrapped line forms a mild product when using the fine Connecticut wrapper with the Dominican tobacco. An example of a more powerful aromatic experience would be the cigars, which use a Central African wrapper that enhances the flavor of the end product.
A renowned but very limited line of cigars was made by Fuente when he was requested by famous Actor and director, Andy Garcia, to give him access to his plantation for a movie scene. Being in off season and the tobacco was already harvested; Fuente rushed to plant fresh crops just for the movie, which in the end resulted in being a high quality blend of tobacco marketed with great success under the name Opus X Lost City edition, in the movie’s honor. This quality product has been reproduced in recent years. However, it’s been available only in the number of thousands as a limited edition product.
If you are a cigar smoker, Fuente Cigars must be in your selection of fine cigars. This product has ensured quality for over a century and built its renown and success through passion and hard work.