Top 6 SEO Mistakes That You Should Never Make
SEO Mistakes can Weaken Your Rankings
There have been numerous shameful SEO mistakes made. These are mistakes that ought to be avoided because they can weaken your overall rankings. Everyone is wise to keep themselves informed of the ways to use SEO effectively. It is also wise to know the mistakes to avoid too. Remember, SEO is an industry that continues to change at a rapid pace. Keeping yourself informed of the current trends and changes will lead you to success. There are at least six SEO mistakes that you should not make ever. SEO Santa Clarita has the scoop on SEO mistakes that can and should be avoided.
The Top Six SEO Mistakes
There are indeed at least six common SEO mistakes that have been made. The following are the six SEO mistake to avoid. These include:
- non-promotion of your blog posts; many individuals hold the belief that if they write a post and it is a good one, it will create a buzz while being shared on social media platforms. They make the mistake of not building a large audience first. The audience should include numerous RSS subscribers, many Facebook followers and quite a few Twitter followers. The mistake is to write a great blog and it does not get noticed.
- no consistent publishing plan in place; many have published fresh content on a daily basis without having a publishing plan set. The mistake is to not plan ahead and include a consistent publishing schedule. Do not make the mistake of not sticking to a routine publishing schedule. A mistake to avoid is omitting consistency.
- omitting registration of your website; a mistake for any web site is to omit registering it with Google and Bing webmaster tools. The lack of registering a website can be similar to driving down the street and keeping your eyes closed.
- lack of activity on social media; many people make the mistake of becoming idle on social media. Social media and activity are highly effective for the promoting of your website.
- omitting the Google keyword tool; many people hold the belief that the use of the Google keyword tool is unnecessary prior to the creation of their content. This is a mistake because the Google tool is going to assist you in knowing which queries searches are going to be used to actually find you by using the right keywords.
- The omission of unique information; the mistake many make is to omit unique descriptions and title tags. Do not make the mistake of listing all of your pages with the same title. This can be avoided when you add a dash of unique.
These are six of the top SEO mistakes to avoid. You should never make these mistakes if you have the goal to obtain traffic and attention. Avoid these mistakes and enjoy popularity. SEO Santa Clarita is glad to provide you with trustworthy SEO information so that you and your website flourish.
The Never Ending SEO
SEO and the internet are here to stay. Keeping up-to-date and informed will only benefit you. There are more mistakes that you can avoid when it comes to SEO. The top six SEO mistakes should get you started on your list of mistakes to avoid.
The Extra SEO Mistake
Remember, SEO mistakes are plentiful. Add another commonly made mistake to your list and watch your traffic grow. The extra mistake to avoid is:
* you are not a verified and trustworthy author; trust and authority is a current SEO trend. Do not make the mistake of omitting the building up of trust with your website and your users. Many people hold the belief that trust is automatically given. This is false. Building trust and credibility must be shown and visibly seen. Keep in mind, a verified author will build up authority and gain the trust of many.
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