What Should Be Known About The Air Conditioning System
Air Conditioning System is a system that regulates air circulation in a room or building to achieve comfort, health and freshness of life. Usually this system is very necessary and needed for every residence even for various types of buildings terraced. Moreover, buildings and homes located in areas that have a tropical climate coupled with hot air and also has a high humidity level. For that condition, the air conditioning system is believed as an attempt to get fresh air both from nature and artificial flow of fading. Comfortable air has a speed of no more than 5 km / h with temperatures less than 30 ° C and contains lots of O2.
In some areas, natural air conditions are less able to provide comfort because of the hot air temperatures could be reaching temperatures ranging from 23 ° -34 ° C or in opposite situations, the air temperatures are too low that reach a few degrees below 0. You need to know that in most cities in the world, air mixed with various types of dirt, dust, and smoke caused by very high levels of pollution. High levels of pollution are usually caused by the number of vehicles that operate every day, so pollution will increase from day to day.
Not only uncertain weather and wind conditions, the high-rise buildings affected by high-speed winds tend to cause the air circulation system running poorly. Because of such natural conditions, it is necessary a way to get comfort by using air refresher (air conditioner). The presence of air conditioning system will provide the functions and benefits to create a cool air and will definitely make us more comfortable. And so in general the system of air conditioning functions to maintain air conditions both temperature and humidity to make the air more comfortable. The proper installation needs to be applied and you can get an insight from this link: http://www.huskyheatpumps.co.uk/air-source-heat-pump-installation.
Some of the benefits of air conditioning systems are:
• Adjust the air temperature
• Regulate air circulation
• Adjust the air humidity
• Improve air hygiene
While the air conditioning system is generally divided into two main groups:
• Air conditioning for work convenience, commonly applied in housing
• Air conditioning for industry
The components required by an air conditioning system in general are heat generating systems, refrigeration machines, cooling towers and boilers.
There are several components of air conditioning or air conditioning equipment which all pass through the air circulation, among others:
• Fan that moves air from or into the room. The air flown by the fan can be either outside air, indoor air or a mixture of the outside air and room air. The amount of air flow and air velocity should be adjusted in order to obtain good air circulation
• Supply Duct (outlet air channels) used for cold air channels from the fan into the room
• Supply outlets used to adjust the direction of airflow from the fan, so the air is distributed throughout the room.
• Refrigerated room: the room should be closed, so the cold air in the room is not wasted out and the outside air does not enter the room.