7 Cheap Things You Can Do In The Evening When You’re Bored
Not every evening is packed with social activity. Some nights you stay in, and it can be easy to get bored particularly when you do not have a lot of spare cash. Thankfully, there are plenty of things you can do to have fun for very little money. Take a look at these ideas and never get bored in the evenings again.
- Start Crafting
Start that new craft hobby you have always thought about. Scrapbooking, for instance, is very creative and makes time fly. Or try sewing, creative knitting, photography, painting, or even pottery. If you don’t have any special craft supplies at home, check online for quick projects you can make with household objects.
- Play Tuesday Bingo
Tuesday Bingo is a good chance to play a fun game online at greatly discounted prices. Many online bingo sites offer deals like this – play on a certain (less popular) day and you save money. It’s a good way of maximising the money you spend on the game, so you can play for longer for just a few pounds.
- Get Creative with the Computer
You know all those pictures you have of yourself, friends and family on your computer? Print them out or make creative collages, photo books or simply upload pictures to Facebook. Or go onto Yahoo Answers and give responses in the areas you are most knowledgeable. Or message people you haven’t been in contact with for ages.
- Be Social in Real Life
On the other hand, just turn off the computer (and your phone, and your tablet) and communicate with the people you actually live with. The conversation topic is not important. But connecting with friends and family is. If conversation is not flowing, try some board games to loosen up and have fun.
- Declutter Your House
Look around and make a start on the messiest parts of your home. Choose exactly which objects you want to keep and then recycle, donate, or sell the rest. You get a more attractive, healthier home and the bonus is you could make a lot of money on eBay.
- Start a Journal
There is something very creative and inspiring about writing a journal. You can record all your deepest thoughts and express yourself in writing that no one else has to read. A journal is very therapeutic and once you start it, it’ll become addictive.
- Cook a Feast
Use whatever ingredients you have in the house to create a real feast. Be creative and think about how to use common ingredients in different ways – then serve the result to your family or friends for an impromptu dinner party.