8 Safety Tips When Operating An Aerial Lift
Whether you are an employee operating an aerial lift or a manager or team leader in a company that utilizes aerial lifts, it’s crucial that the proper safety tips are followed to ensure that no one gets hurt when operating the device. Aerial lifts are pretty tough pieces of machinery that are used to get up to high places for repairs, such as utility lines. Even though they may seem pretty straight forward, there are crucial safety tips to follow. If these tips are not followed, then there could end up being some not-so-great injuries thanks to carelessness on the part of either the employee or employer. Keep reading down below to learn more about what to keep in mind when operating an aerial lift.
- Make Sure That Training of Employees Is Solid
The first thing that you should consider when ensuring the safety of your employees is to ensure that all employees are trained in how to operate aerial lifts on the job. Without this training, there would be no way that employees could operate an aerial lift safely. You should ask the manufacturer whether or not there are any training resources that you can take advantage of.
- Keep in Mind the Manufacturer’s Instructions
All aerial lifts need to be operated according to the instructions set out by the manufacturer. Much like most things in life, it’s crucial that you take the time to understand how the manufacturer recommends operating the device before hopping on board.
- Never Override the Devices
Each of the safety devices on an aerial lift are in place for the safety of yourself or your employees. That’s why those safety devices should never be overridden in order to make things go more quickly. Without these safety assurances, you are putting yourself at risk for some hazardous situations. This is common knowledge for everyone who has gone through a training kit for Aerial Lift operation.
- Employees Should Never Be Positioned in Hazardous Positions
You should ensure that your employees know where not to position themselves when dealing with an aerial lift. There are areas around the lift that could potentially crush your employees or cause other serious injuries. This goes back to the first point we made, which was to ensure that your employees are properly trained on how to operate these machines.
- There Should Be a Minimum Clearance
Whenever dealing with energized lines, there should be a minimum clearance of 10 feet from those lines. That way, there is no chance that anyone will get electrocuted or otherwise injured by those energized lines. Make sure that this is clear to your employees when they are operating an aerial lift.
- All Power Lines Should Be Treated as If They Are Energized
Even if power lines appear to be insulated or down, it’s crucial that you treat them as if they were energized. This will keep everyone safe in the case that the lines are energized.
- Set the Brakes Whenever on An Incline
Whenever you are operating an aerial lift on an incline, it’s crucial that you set the brakes. It would be disastrous for the device to go rolling down the hill without any control from your side.
- Don’t Exceed the Load Limits
And of course, the last safety tip we have for you is to ensure that the loading limit is adhered to. You should estimate the amount of combined weight of the worker, the tools, and all other materials needed in operation.
And there you have it! When it comes to operating an aerial lift, this isn’t something that you should just hop on board and do. There are certain safety rules that every employee should adhere to in order to keep them safe and sound. If you are an employer, make sure that your employees are aware of these tips.