Beginning To End – Make Your Landscaping Duties Easier Next Spring
If you want your yard to look lovely, it takes a lot of hard work and dedication. The workload you face to get your yard in shape each spring can sometimes seem overwhelming. However, there are many things you can do before spring arrives to make the process easier. Here is a look at some smart things you can do to make your landscaping duties easier in the spring.
Lay the Groundwork for a Healthy Lawn
The centerpiece of every yard should be a lush, lovely lawn. If you want to make your lawn look amazing this spring, you need to take steps in the fall to make it happen. Start by applying a fertilizer with nitrogen and potash. You should also aerate your lawn to oxygenate the roots and help break down thatch.
For your final mow of the season, you should mow your lawn with your mower setting at its lowest possible height. This is the one time of the year you need to mow your lawn closely. Doing this will help to protect your lawn from heavy snowfall.
You also must remember to overseed your lawn every fall. This is true whether your lawn is patchy or full. Overseeding your lawn during the fall helps to ensure that the maximum amount of grass will come back in the spring, which will give your lawn a head start next year.
Before the snow arrives, make sure to give your entire yard a healthy watering. This includes your lawn as well as all of your other plants. This will help to keep the roots alive over the long winter.
One of the best things you can do to help your trees, shrubs and plants survive the winter is to mulch them in the fall. If you have mulch down already, use a rake to loosen it up. Make sure to add new mulch to give all the plants maximum protection this winter.
Stock up on Supplies
Once you have your yard all prepped for next spring, it doesn’t mean that your work is done. To alleviate your winter boredom, you can head to the nearest garden store to stock up on supplies for next spring. Normally you will see discounted prices as it is the offseason for these supplies so it’s often a great idea to stock up.
If you follow these tips, your yard will be set up to thrive next spring. It takes some effort to get all of this done, but it will greatly reduce your workload next spring. The beauty of your yard will be well worth the effort you put forth.
Information Credit: Done Right Landscapes