Communication Objectives With ValueMags
Recently, one of ValueMags partners has had trouble effectively communicating their messages to their consumers and readers which is hurting ValueMags’ relationships internally and externally. ValueMags thinks that the problem is that management at the given magazine companies is having trouble understanding their needs before communicating it. So, it is clear to them nor their audience, markets, and stakeholders. This is an example of a company that needs to identify their communication problems, help their own company predetermine their communication objectives, and to put into place those communication objectives as well as using the appropriate communication channels for that. ValueMags is dedicated to helping their partner develop a strategy that will more effectively flow though both their processes.
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Ideally, ValueMags thinks their partner should re-identify their target market. ValueMags is an online marketing agency for magazines but the magazine cannot be properly marketed if ValueMags is not given the correct target audience information.
The next steps that ValueMags suggests come back to the basics of marketing. ValueMags suggests that their partner understand what stages their consumers can be in and what message they can portray that will push consumers into the purchasing stage. The steps consumers usually go through when making a purchasing decision include: awareness, knowledge, liking, preference, conviction, and purchase. It is very important that ValueMag’s partner understands the characteristics of each of these stages so that they can properly execute their marketing responsibilities. Not understanding those responsibilities can be risky for their customers understanding of the product and for their relationship with their partners.
ValueMags cannot put enough emphasis on communication objective within a company. They are the most important among many important objectives in a company.