Let A Garden Shed Solve Your Storage Woes
Sometimes your garage starts to resemble more of a gear shop or tool shop than a place you could ever fit your car into. Sometimes your spare bedroom is full of boxes when you’d really like it to be an office or an actual guest bedroom. And what about a workshop down in the basement (the basement that is, at this moment, full of stuff)? Whether you’d like to re-purpose space or just create more space to accentuate your home’s interior style, garden sheds are a great solution.
Garden sheds come in different styles; picture one you’d like. Maybe it’s a simple shed with two doors so you can open them wide and easily fit bikes, kayaks, surfboards, or your rubbish bins inside. (It would be nice to get those bins out of eyesight.) Maybe your storage shed will be home to your fishing equipment, gardening tools, boxes of holiday decorations, and firewood, and you would like it to have a more retro look with just one door and a window. Door locks are an example of features you can add on to your garden shed so you can keep your gear safe and out of the house.
Think about where you would put your storage shed. If you’d like to have the shed close to your house, or if you have a small gardens that doesn’t give you much of a choice about where to place a shed, you’ll want to think about matching the shed’s paint colour to your main house colour or trim. Or you can pick complementary colours for a classy offset. You might have an empty corner of your driveway, right next to your fence that would be just the right size for a shed. If you have a larger garden, storage sheds can be placed away from your house, perhaps near trees or bushes. Then you can choose a colour that either blends in more with the landscape or that adds a bit of pop.
You might be wondering about the assembly of the sheds, and perhaps remembering, not fondly, the last time you bought a do-it-yourself piece of furniture. If your experience was anything like most people, it involved complicated directions and a screw set that were two screws short of what you needed. Thankfully, most garden sheds have pre-finished panels that go together with an easy one-step process. Most also come with multi-year guarantees and options for delivery and even assembly.
Your home should be an uncluttered space that you enjoy without that one room, basement, or garage full of stuff. A garden shed is a great way to store your gear safely and create more useable and pleasant space in your house.