Spending In Solar Lights For Parking Lots- Smart Investment?
As we walk down the streets these days, we see solar panels installed in the roofs of many houses. I am sure that most of us understand and in some cases, have even experienced the concept of solar lighting. However, the concept of solar lighting outdoor might come as a surprise to many. Yes the solar lights are indeed being used to light the streets, to light the halls, stadiums as we speak.
Installing solar lights can be really good decision for businesses. Shopping malls, offices can use them to huge benefits. Among the many areas of businesses, the one that is particularly highly benefitted by this lighting system is parking lots. Yes, who wouldn’t want a large parking lot where all the transportations of the precious costumers could be accommodated? Of course this comes with high construction and above all high lighting costs. That’s why many businesses are moving on towards replacing the tradition electrical lighting system with solar ones; the advantages of doing the same are listed below:
- Economy: With the solar lighting system, you will be able to establish an autonomous lighting system that is completely independent of the external power supplies. Thus, you will have to bear zero supply cost and eventually lower electricity bills. Sun, the source that lights for your parking obviously doesn’t charge you. All that you require is the cost for installing the solar panels and bulb; that’s far cheaper than installing all the bulky wires and ducts. This very economy saved could be effectively diverted to the mainstream activities of the business.
- Security: Parking lots is excellent choice of criminals given that it is almost empty most of the times, it is almost dark most of the times and the richest of the people, their targets in most of the cases can be easily found in the parking lots. Studies have shown that crimes such as stealing, theft, rapes are extensively committed in the parking lots. Given the higher bills it would invite it wouldn’t always be possible for the businesses to keep the lights on to avoid the crimes. But, with the solar lamps lighting the parking lots all the time, it is much safer. Similarly, with lights on all the time, the safety devices can operate all the time.
- Independence: As mentioned earlier, with solar lights, one doesn’t need to bother about the external power supply. This independence not only providing you economic benefits, could also prove to provide a competitive advantage; for instance, while all the other companies are facing a power cut, you parking lot would still be lighted.
- Renewable: Solar energy is a renewable source of energy that doesn’t deplete. Thus, with its use, your business as well as this world could be largely benefitted. What’s more with this lighting system you leave zero carbon foot print and it goes without saying when community realizes your effort in maintaining a healthy environment, your image can be positively established in the market.
Thus, for the overall benefits that includes lower cost, sustainable environment, increased customer satisfaction and above all increased corporate profit you are highly recommended to invest in solar lighting for parking lots.