Tips On How To Get A Pilot License
It is a major decision to become a pilot as it requires a great deal of time and money. While choosing a flight instructor or flight school looking for the cheapest deal is not the best approach as you will definitely want to be sure that you are getting value for your money.
In order to become a safe and competent pilot like Rick Bucklew you will have to ensure that the following steps are taken:
- Look for a flight school that can help you to earn the appropriate license in the most cost effective way possible.
- Decide on which type of pilot you want to be as there are four basic types of pilot’s licenses that are similar in most authorities such as commercial pilot’s license, recreational pilot’s license, airline transport pilot’s license and private pilot’s license. Among all these types of licenses, a recreational pilot license is the most basic one. These licenses allow the licensee to file an aircraft anywhere within the country of issuance. However, depending upon the authority, the pilot may or may not be allowed to carry passengers, and could be limited to fly only when visibility permits, such as daylight hours and during clear weather. Night flying, or flying any time instruments are required usually requires other certification.
- Get the additional ratings such as instructor rating, multi-engine rating, float rating and instrument rating. The instructor rating allows the individual to train others how to fly, multi-engine rating allows the holder to fly an airplane with more than one engine, float rating allows the holder to depart and land on water in an airplane equipped with floats while the instrument rating allows the holder to fly at night, in clouds, and poor weather.
- To operate an aircraft in the United States get the license from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Since 9/11 this has become a part of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
- It is recommended to get the medical certificate before beginning flight training. This alerts an individual to any circumstance that could inhibit him or her from becoming a pilot. Medical certificates are labeled as first-class, second-class, or third-class. Usually, first class is necessary for airline transport pilots, second class is necessary for commercial pilots, and third class for the student, private pilots and recreational.
Rick Bucklew is a commercial airline pilot who has been awarded with the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award by President Barack Obama in the year 2016 for his contribution to build a powerful nation through volunteer service. He has been working for four major airlines and has been serving as a flight engineer, first officer, captain, and aviation instructor. He pilots Airbus A320s and A319s while waiting for a school date to promote to larger Boeing 777s. Apart from being a pilot, Mr. Bucklew is a martial arts supporter who methodically studied the Japanese art of Shito Ryu and Shorin Tyu.
Thus, it can be concluded by stating in order to become a commercial airline pilot like Rick Bucklew, one should follow the following tips!