Exploring How to Write a Readable Blog
There are hundreds of thousands of blogs on the internet, but what makes a good blog that makes people want to come back and read more entries? Most blogs don’t entice the reader to come back. What’s the difference between a good blog and a bad blog? It’s a really simple to write a good blog in reality. The best blogs are those that are simple, and don’t over complicate things. They get straight to the point, and explain what they are trying to get across in the straight forward way possible.
Good blogs are for sharing information, connecting people and sharing feelings about real life issues. They are written as journals, but they want them to be open to comment by other people from all around the world and understand their feelings. This type of online journal isn’t supposed to hidden; it’s used as a way to convey feelings on a wider scale. The blog needs to be understandable by everyone who reads it. It needs to be spelling and grammar needs to be correct (proofread everything), the content must not contain local slang, it needs to be simple, concise and effective.
Blogs need to be posted as often as possible. People want to hear your thoughts and ideas. They want to be filled in on what you think and communicate with you. A good idea would be to ask questions, comment on different blogs, and think about creating or joining a community with others you have met online. Try to keep the subject of your blog constant. If it was a blog on political matters, don’t include things like “I went to see a movie the other day, it was good” that’s not what people came to your blog to read. Keep focused! This means that your readers will have an idea of what to expect from your blog, which will make them return. They don’t want to turn up expecting to see your opinion on the latest developments in war, and have a blog about what you did at the weekend.
Think about the overall structure of your blog. Think about how you are constructing your sentences. Always check your grammar and spelling. Make sure that you use a spell checker and read over your work a few times, just to make sure you’ve got it right. Check your facts if you’re referencing a source of information, You don’t want to look the fool if you haven’t done your research. Try using a Thesaurus to get some variety in your work. Don’t over complicate the words though. As you have to remember that you don’t want your reading stopping halfway through your blog to look up a word.
Remember the key to a good blog is one that is simple and easy to read. It needs to be enjoyable and make people want to come back for more! The visitors of your blog need something that keeps them enticed! It’s the only way you’re going to make your mark on the blogging world!